Saturday, December 24, 2016

Forex 70

Bienvenido a FOREX trading SU NO 1 RESSOURCE PARA COMPARAR EL CORREDOR MÁS GRANDE DE FX EN TODO EL MUNDO Hay hundrets del corredor del FOREX hacia fuera allí. Pero sólo algunos son fiables para entrar en nuestra mesa de comparación. Por qué debería dar su dinero a otros bancos que el mejor? O le encanta el riesgo de perder sus fondos Qué es Forex trading Forex, también conocido como mercado de divisas o FX es la forma corta del mercado de divisas. Este mercado está descentralizado globalmente para facilitar el comercio entre las diferentes monedas. Si se mide por el volumen de la actividad comercial neta, es el mercado más grande del mundo entero. Los grandes bancos internacionales son los principales participantes de este mercado. La actividad comercial se lleva a cabo durante la semana con varios centros financieros a nivel mundial que actúan como anclas de permitir el comercio entre los múltiples vendedores y compradores. Las tasas relativas de varias monedas son determinadas por el mercado de divisas. Es el comercio de Forex una inversión Incluso no es la manera clásica de invertir en, Forex Treding es una de las formas más rentables para invertir dinero. Comience a aprender hoy Forex trading trading Aunque Forex es muy diferente de otros tipos pasivos de inversiones como bienes raíces, fondos mutuos o bonos, pero es una forma muy popular de la inversión para un gran número de personas en todo el mundo. Hay una serie de factores que un inversor debe considerar antes de decidir sobre un tipo de inversión que es más probable que resulte en los mayores rendimientos. Uno de estos factores que puede hacer o romper un acuerdo para un inversor potencial es la liquidez de los activos concedidos por la inversión dada. La liquidez es un aspecto muy importante para cualquier persona que quiera involucrarse activamente para explotar todas las oportunidades posibles que incluyen oportunidades de inversión a corto plazo. Es un hecho bien conocido que ningún otro mercado puede competir con la divisa cuando se trata de liquidez ya que hay transacciones de más de 3 billones de dólares que ocurren todos los días. Forex permite una gran flexibilidad y libertad para el inversor, ya que son capaces de obtener un beneficio en ambas direcciones del valor de la seguridad en la que se basan las transacciones. Otro argumento a favor de Forex como una inversión es la facilidad de acceso y control que es incomparable por cualquier otra forma de inversión. Los inversores tienen la capacidad de examinar y operar sus inversiones Forex de cualquier país en el mundo a través de Internet. La revolución de los teléfonos inteligentes y los dispositivos inteligentes ha permitido que las transacciones se basen en aplicaciones para que los usuarios puedan disfrutar del comercio con el teléfono en la palma de su mano. Puedo obtener un millonario por el comercio de divisas Te pregunto, si hay una manera de obtener un millonario de comercio con forex La respuesta corta: sí, eso podría suceder. Obtener Forex millonario Una vez que entienda lo básico y ponerse en sintonía con las estrategias óptimas, Forex puede convertirse en uno de los métodos más rentables de ganar dinero. Debido a la penetración global, hay muchas oportunidades y un enorme margen de beneficio para grandes márgenes que ha permitido a innumerables personas a convertirse en millonarios por el comercio en el mercado de divisas. Al definir claramente su estrategia de inversión y tratar sólo con pares de divisas seleccionadas que están dentro de su base de conocimientos, puede iniciar fácilmente una carrera de inversión exitosa en el comercio de Forex y estar en su camino para convertirse en un millonario. Para realizar el sueño del millón de dólares, es importante para usted como un inversor para mantener siempre a su plan de comercio bien formulado y minimizar los niveles de riesgo en la medida de lo posible. Es de suma importancia para tener un profundo conocimiento del mercado de divisas y su funcionamiento interno. Es importante darse cuenta de que este es un negocio como cualquier otro y requiere mucho trabajo, paciencia y dedicación para crecer y prosperar. Tomando las decisiones correctas y manejando sus emociones correctamente, usted puede comenzar a hacer una cantidad respetable de dinero sobre una base regular. Es inevitable que usted tendrá que enfrentar el fracaso y las pérdidas a veces, pero es necesario aprender de esos errores y seguir intentando hasta que tenga éxito. El mundo del comercio de Forex está lleno de personas destacadas que son bien conocidos en todo el mundo por el éxito y los resultados abrumadores que han logrado. Forex trading para principiantes Ser un principiante en el mercado de divisas puede ser una experiencia muy aterradora debido a la complejidad y la naturaleza de ritmo rápido de las fluctuaciones monetarias y los cambios del mercado. Por lo tanto, es necesario que un principiante esté familiarizado con todas las terminologías y estrategias comerciales para evitar operaciones de alto riesgo y las pérdidas asociadas con ellas. Horas de mercado para el mercado Forex Forex está operativa casi todo el día. Pero puede usted negociar el sábado o el domingo? Estas preguntas son hechas por muchos novatos, así que aquí está la respuesta. Horas de mercado de divisas Las horas de mercado se definen como el tiempo durante todo el cual los comerciantes pueden comprar, vender e intercambiar monedas. El mercado de divisas está operativo todo el día, de lunes a viernes. El mercado sigue cerrado los días de semana por lo que el comercio los sábados y domingos no es posible. El mercado funciona internacionalmente y está compuesto por bancos, fondos de cobertura, empresas comerciales, inversores y corredores de divisas minoristas que operan en múltiples zonas horarias. Debido a su naturaleza internacional y las diversas zonas horarias implicadas, el mercado es accesible en casi cualquier momento dado. Como la divisa no está dominada por ningún mercado único, sino que está compuesta por una red global, sus horas de mercado son la suma de las horas de funcionamiento en cada país participante. El mayor volumen de actividad comercial se produce cuando los tiempos de mercado en estos países se superponen. 08:00 AM a 05:00 PM EST Tipos de cambio de la divisa El tipo de cambio para una moneda en particular se define como la cantidad / valor de moneda extranjera que se puede comprar con esa moneda. En otras palabras, es la tasa a la cual la moneda dada puede ser cambiada por alguna otra moneda. Los tipos de cambio operan en régimen de libre flotación y las monedas de valor pueden variar entre sí en función de las características de oferta y demanda del mercado. Debido a esto, los tipos de cambio de todas las monedas cambian constantemente y dependen de un gran número de factores y condiciones que pueden ser de naturaleza económica, social, política o incluso psicológica. Como comerciante de divisas, puede hacer dinero mediante la utilización de esta fluctuación en los tipos de cambio de moneda a su favor. Los comerciantes compran una moneda cuando su valor relativo es bajo en el mercado cambiario y lo venden cuando el valor aumenta. La diferencia en el precio de compra y venta de la moneda resulta en beneficios para el comerciante. Al estudiar cuidadosamente las tendencias del mercado basadas en datos estadísticos y experiencias pasadas, se puede hacer una predicción justa sobre el cambio de valor de una moneda en particular a través del tiempo y puede usar este conocimiento para colocar apuestas bien informadas y educadas en una moneda específica para obtener beneficios . La formulación cuidadosa de las estrategias comerciales y el asesoramiento de expertos siguientes pueden ayudarle a comenzar a hacer beneficios en el mercado de divisas en ningún momento. Combinaciones a menudo intercambiadas Usted puede negociar cada par de la modernidad que usted tiene gusto. Pero algunas oft las combinaciones de la divisa se negocian muy pesado. En este mercado encontrará compradores en milisegundos. Combinaciones de Forex más negociadas Aunque los comerciantes tienen la capacidad de negociar en un gran número de monedas globales, algunos pares de divisas se negocian en el volumen más alto. Vamos a echar un vistazo a algunos de los pares de divisas más negociados y examinar la razón de su popularidad generalizada. EUR / USD (Euro / US Dollars) Este es el par de divisas más popular en todo el mundo debido a la superioridad económica y la estabilidad de los EE. UU. y las economías europeas. Representa un tercio de todas las transacciones realizadas en el mercado de divisas. Este es el segundo par de divisas más negociado y ha sido muy sensible a los sentimientos y políticas políticas entre los Estados Unidos de América y los países de Extremo Oriente como Japón. GBP / USD (Libra de Gran Bretaña / Dólares estadounidenses) Una vez más, debido a la fortaleza económica de los EE. UU. y Gran Bretaña, este par es muy popular. USD / CAD (dólares estadounidenses / dólares canadienses) Aunque es cuarto en esta lista, es favorecido debido a la estabilidad de estas dos monedas y relaciones positivas entre las dos naciones. El franco suizo es considerado una de las monedas más seguras y su emparejamiento con el dólar de los EE. UU. da por resultado su popularidad. AUD / USD (Dólar Australiano / Dólar Estadounidense) Ambas monedas son relativamente estables y respaldadas por las principales potencias mundiales. El conocimiento económico sobre cómo obtener nuevos datos sobre lo que podría suceder en el mercado vale dinero Forex calendario económico Para asegurar un buen grado de éxito en el comercio de divisas, es necesario predecir el movimiento del mercado y Actúe sobre esta información de manera oportuna. A pesar de que existe un alto grado de fluctuación impredecible en el mercado, los comerciantes expertos y altamente experimentados analizan continuamente diversos eventos económicos para predecir los movimientos de la moneda y los cambios en el mercado. El uso de un calendario económico es uno de la manera más fácil de mantenerse al día con los diversos cambios en el mercado y hacer apuestas de bajo riesgo que tienen un alto cambio de rendimiento económico positivo. Puede crear su propio calendario económico manualmente manteniendo una lista de los principales indicadores y actualizándolos regularmente a través de la búsqueda en línea. Incluso puede utilizar calendarios en línea que son proporcionados por varias instituciones financieras y corredores que actualizar la información automáticamente para que usted pueda analizar y utilizar. Señales Forex Las señales Forex son necesarias para los buenos oficios. Estas señales son necesarias para casi todo el mundo, que está negociando en este mercado. Hay algunos buenos servicios de alerta. Estrategias de comercio de Forex Hay una serie de trucos y estrategias utilizadas por personas con el fin de tratar de tener éxito en el campo de la divisa. Mientras que el comercio de divisas es algo que no se puede aprender de memoria o ser completamente seguro, pero hay estrategias comerciales que han sido desarrollados y probados durante años por los expertos para tener éxito dependiendo de diferentes factores como el uso técnico de gráficos, números y confiar en Entendiendo el mercado según los acontecimientos actualmente. Mientras que algunas de las estrategias son muy famosas y se utilizan ampliamente otros son utilizados sólo por un pequeño número de comerciantes, las estrategias pueden variar en su complejidad en función de los niveles de los pasos y su aplicación. Una estrategia siempre es importante para que usted tenga éxito en sus esfuerzos forex. Por qué la estrategia es importante y cómo afecta a los comerciantes en el mundo de la divisa se discute más en las subsecciones. Una estrategia bien planificada con una buena orientación es todo lo que necesita para dar la vuelta a su futuro y una estrategia mal planificada también puede tener efectos devastadores iguales. Las estrategias de negociación hace que los ganadores Muchos principiantes comienzan a operar con divisas sin ninguna idea de una estrategia. Se trata de una técnica de ruptura del cuello y le hará perder dinero a largo plazo. Las estrategias son como el aire que respiras Que las noticias tienen un impacto en los tipos de cambio Y cuál es la forma en que van, cuando salen Esta es la cuestión de las fechas de noticias basados ​​en los comerciantes de Forex. Lea más al respecto. Estrategias políticas basadas en la guerra Qué es bueno para Absolutamente NADA. - Edwin Star no sabía, que el comercio de declaraciones políticas podría ser una victoria para los operadores de corto plazo. Pero: no todo el mundo quiere intercambiar eventos como este. Políticas basadas en el comercio de divisas Diferentes declaraciones políticas en todo el mundo pueden afectar el mercado de divisas. Mientras que algunos usuarios aficionados son completamente dependientes de las cartas económicas y las noticias para tomar decisiones y por otro lado los operadores de Forex experimentados mirar hacia fuera para las declaraciones políticas y ajustar sus oficios en consecuencia al impacto. Los comerciantes pueden seguir el análisis de mercado junto con los calendarios económicos e implicar el uso de noticias y tendencias políticas para determinar cualquier cambio en el mercado y estar en el lado mejor ganador. Diferentes anuncios importantes como los relacionados con las guerras, la política de un país o las noticias relacionadas directamente con la moneda pueden cambiar e influir en el valor de las monedas dependiendo del impacto de la decisión sobre el público o la nación en su conjunto y el correspondiente emparejamiento de divisas. Con mantener actualizado constantemente y siguiendo las fuentes adecuadas para análisis y calendarios económicos puede tomar decisiones tempranas y beneficiarias tan pronto como sea posible para obtener el mejor beneficio. Estrategias económicas basadas Cuál es el resultado de una economía y cómo va a cambiar en comparación con otros países? Un cambio de medio o largo plazo en la competitividad de un país puede ser tradet como una parte de la empresa. Económico basado en comercio de Forex Puede haber diferentes aspectos de la negociación y en la gente de comercio de divisas puede optar por comprar la moneda de un país durante un período de tiempo después de lo cual se comprará de nuevo a tasas superiores a la original. Esto se puede considerar simplemente como préstamos de dinero y viene a través de acuerdos de recompra conocidos como repo. El prestamista del dinero es el comprador de un repo y el vendedor es el prestatario del dinero. En días anteriores, la cantidad de oro disponible con un país indicaba la solvencia del país y cada vez más países seguían acumulando oro para aumentar su valor monetario, pero ahora eso ha cambiado y la estructura y el funcionamiento del banco central de cualquier país puede ser Utilizado para determinar el futuro de su moneda en cierta medida. Si el banco central es fuerte y no impulsado por las deudas, entonces la moneda es probable que proceda si el país está respaldado por recursos para los ingresos. Esta es una combinación de algunas tácticas más de Forex. Lo básico es encontrar algunos indicadores en la economía real, para tratar de explicar lo que sucederá en el futuro. El análisis fundamental es una combinación de dos palabras que significan estudiar la posición económica y mérito crediticio de los países para que los comerciantes pueden obtener ayuda en el comercio de divisas de manera eficiente. El análisis fundamental es muy a menudo utilizado en los mercados de compraventa de divisas por diferentes comerciantes que utilizan diversas tecnologías para beneficiarlos de varias maneras. El análisis fundamental básicamente consiste en medir el impacto de las decisiones políticas y económicas tomadas por el país y el impacto de esas decisiones en la moneda en la que se negocia. Las cifras y declaraciones dadas por los políticos, así como los economistas en sus discursos o declaraciones al público son muy importantes, ya que puede determinar fácilmente el impacto en la moneda y el mercado de divisas. Los comerciantes tienen estrategias para tales anuncios económicos, especialmente. Por los Estados Unidos antes de su declaración y estar preparados para el impacto. Forex Technology Hay una serie de tecnologías de comercio de divisas, mientras que algunas de estas tecnologías comerciales proporcionados por las principales empresas como FOREXTrader Pro que es una plataforma desarrollada de acuerdo a los comerciantes de divisas con funciones de calidad que se puede realizar fácilmente junto con dar alto rendimiento. FOREXTrader PRO está disponible en el escritorio para computadoras de escritorio, así como teléfonos inteligentes tanto para Apple como para las versiones de Android. MetaTrader 4 es otra plataforma de comercio que los comerciantes utilizan con bastante frecuencia debido a su transparencia y otras características, mientras que hay otras plataformas también disponibles en función de las regiones como GTX Forex ECN, que es una buena plataforma para los comerciantes de forex profesionales. Mientras que la mayoría de los sitios web comerciales ofrecen estas plataformas de negociación y las tecnologías que los usuarios pueden utilizar para el comercio, la gente también puede optar por comprar estos software s para sí mismos y construir plataformas de comercio para sí mismos u otros clientes. Usted puede optar por ser un comerciante en línea en los sitios web en caso de que tenga menos cantidad de dinero para empezar o ser un corredor en caso de que tenga una amplia cantidad de ahorros. Plataformas de comercio en línea Casi todos los bancos de comercio de Forex ofrece una plataforma en línea para el comercio de divisas Forex. Es la forma más fácil de comenzar con el comercio. Pero para el scalping no es la mejor manera. Plataformas de comercio en línea de Forex plataformas de comercio en línea son proporcionados por una serie de sitios web, que pueden proporcionar a los comerciantes con plugins y software para la instalación que se convertirá en activos en estar conectado a Internet, mientras que en otras plataformas comerciales es relativamente diferente como todos los Gráficos comerciales y plataformas operan desde los servidores del sitio web. Diferentes sitios web y plataformas comerciales ofrecen varios beneficios sobre los demás. Las aplicaciones y características ofrecidas por las diferentes plataformas forman sus beneficios, así como desventajas. Mientras que el usuario debe ser capaz de personalizar y acceder a más y más información posible hay una limitación a este tecnicismo ya que el usuario no debe ser bombardeado con información inútil y la plataforma de comercio debe ser capaz de realizar las funciones más difíciles con facilidad. Si bien algunas plataformas pueden ser muy potente y útil para el comercio también tienen que tener una interfaz amigable para que los principiantes también son ayudados en su proceso de negociación en lugar de centrarse sólo en los comerciantes profesionales sólo. Herramientas descargables Esta es una buena manera de negociar Forex, sin el retraso de las solicitudes http. Usted consigue cada garrapata a través de una puerta de enlace rápida. También hay la oppotunity al comercio automáticamente. Esta es la plataforma más conocida para el comercio de Forex. Pero no sólo el comercio de divisas es posible, puede negociar a través de CFDs casi todas las acciones o divisas. Dependiendo de su banco. Herramientas de Forex Puede haber una serie de herramientas que los comerciantes utilizan en línea para el comercio de divisas. Si bien hay ciertas herramientas que son muy buenas y eficaces tanto para obtener el conocimiento y gráficos para el comercio junto con las plataformas para realizar las opciones de comercio y ver las proporciones actuales. Hay diferentes ventajas de las herramientas y varios foros dedicados a probar herramientas tales como pro con la creciente competencia están presentes en la que expertos comerciantes junto con otras personas pueden expresar sus opiniones para la eficacia de estas herramientas y cuánto son confiables. Hay muchas herramientas tales como la calculadora del beneficio, la calculadora del dólar de la pipa etc. Educación de Forex: Libros Videos El aprendizaje es absolutamente importante antes de que usted elija hacer cualquier cosa y donde está implicado el dinero arriesgado y el tiempo como forex que negocia entonces usted tiene que aprender un Mucho y estar preparado para la ocasión cuando usted la toma. Hay diferentes tutoriales para diferentes personas, como los fundamentos de la divisa, el aprendizaje de lo que son pips y citas, el conocimiento de las monedas de un comerciante quiere el comercio también es muy importante y decisivo que se puede aprender a través de tutoriales. Hay libros bastante eficientes y videos tutoriales en línea disponibles en el sitio web que puede ayudarle a convertirse en un profesional de nivel profesional y obtener grandes en el ámbito de la compraventa de divisas también hay una serie de tutoriales disponibles en los sitios web que guían a los comerciantes para hacer lo mejor de la Herramientas y software que están utilizando para el comercio de divisas. En resumen, los videos en línea y tutoriales son el santo grial del comercio de divisas y si se elige correctamente en el momento adecuado, que puede llegar a grandes alturas en el mundo de la divisa. Tutoriales de video en línea Leverage FX y Forex Trading se encuentran entre los canales de YouTube famoso para proporcionar a la gente con videos en forex y sus fundamentos, mientras que Forex Club es un canal constantemente actualizado que son muy pocos en número en estos días. Los canales constantemente actualizados de grandes empresas o foros son una visión muy útil en el trato con las monedas en el mercado diario, a veces estos canales y sus videos son muy útiles para notificar los cambios futuros en el mercado. Forex Books Forex se ha convertido en bastante popular en los últimos años y esto ha llevado a más libros relacionados con forex que se publican. Hay una gran cantidad de libros que asesoran a la gente sobre cómo convertirse en exitosos comerciantes en el mundo de la divisa. Algunos de estos libros son dignos de su tiempo y son lo suficientemente buenos para que pueda aprender de ellos de una manera eficiente, pero otros no son tan eficaces, con tantas opiniones y la gente dando sus comentarios es una tarea imposible para cualquier comerciante a leer Todos los libros famosos y recomendados antes de comenzar a invertir. Hay algunos libros seleccionados que se mencionan en las subsecciones a continuación que han sido recientemente considerado como el mejor en el mundo de las operaciones de cambio recientes. Estos libros funcionan bien y han sido revisados ​​positivamente para las personas que comienzan sus carreras de forex. Forex for Beginners por Anna Coulling Forex para principiantes es un libro muy útil por Anna Coulling para principiantes de operaciones de cambio. Este libro proporciona un buen conocimiento sobre varios aspectos del mercado de divisas y es el tercer libro de éxito por el autor. Este libro se dice a menudo para proporcionar un buen conocimiento básico para construir más adelante por los comerciantes en los mercados de divisas. El manual del comerciante de la divisa por Zan Kotnik Este libro es una hazaña bastante impresionante en introducir el mundo de la divisa y sus fundamentos a los lectores. Ha habido un número de revisiones favorables por los críticos hacia el libro y este libro se considera como absolutamente una manera fácil de familiarizarse con la tecnología y las terminologías del mundo comercial diario. Cómo iniciar su propio servicio de la señal de Forex por Rimantas Petrauskas Este libro es una buena guía para los principiantes para construir sistemas de ganancias automatizadas de tal manera que pueden obtener beneficios constantes y salidas a través de ellos. Este libro enseña a los lectores los secretos detrás de hacer miles de dólares cada mes, incluso a través del simple uso de una cuenta demo que es a menudo poseído por casi todos los comerciantes al comienzo de su carrera. La estrategia de comercio de divisas de la Biblia por Michael Fisher Este libro es bastante informativo y sobre los mercados de divisas en los próximos días. Este libro es considerado a menudo como impresionante e importante por los comerciantes en el mundo de divisas para obtener directrices, así como instrucciones antes de que se establezcan en su viaje en las monedas. Mejores revisiones de corredores de Forex Con el aumento en el volumen de mercado de divisas hay una serie de sitios web en Internet que dicen ser la mejor empresa de corretaje en línea. No sólo no son verdad la mayoría de las veces, las falsas promesas y la orientación falsa establecido como una trampa por estos sitios web puede llevar a comprar comentarios inútiles y tutoriales. Algunos corredores tienen retraso y no mantenido el apoyo del usuario, incluso con su alto cargo, mientras que otros corredores que ofrecieron una cuenta gratuita y tarifas competitivas mínimas de repente comienza a disparar a la luna con los beneficios de los márgenes de sus operaciones. Hay un número de desventajas a muchos corredores ya veces sobre las compañías hyped y los corredores probados incorrectamente pueden conseguirle perder el dinero. En el mundo de ejecución rápida de hoy que ciertamente no quieren terminar en el final de cualquier carrera y por lo tanto, se requiere una buena orientación y la penetración en los mejores corredores probados en el pasado reciente y en los últimos años. Mientras que cada corredor tiene ciertas ventajas hay una buena cantidad de aspectos ocultos a buscar también. A veces los honorarios adicionales y otras veces la ineficiencia en la colocación de las órdenes pueden hacer que usted pierda dinero rápidamente y es inútil para mantener constantemente persisten en tales corredores sólo para obtener el dinero que había perdido una vez. En lugar de tratar en cada corredor, hay una lista de finamente elegidos a mano corredores que han demostrado su credibilidad en los últimos años y son lo suficientemente bueno para empezar en el viaje de comercio en el mercado de divisas. Estos corredores vienen con características y ofertas diferentes para la gente y usted tiene que elegir sabiamente cuáles son sus metas y qué corredor usted quiere elegir dependiendo de sus metas y estrategias. Siempre apuntar a invertir cantidades más pequeñas en el principio antes de saltar a hacer apuestas más grandes como usted puede llegar a conocer cualquier fallos ocultos en la plataforma del corredor o su conexión en las etapas de inicio sólo sin enfrentar muchas pérdidas en hacerlo. Easy-Forex Tal vez uno de los más fáciles en el mercado, la plataforma en línea easy-forex ofrece un gran número de características únicas que benefician al comerciante. Los spreads fijos, las paradas garantizadas y la protección contra saldos negativos significan que tienen el precio más transparente de casi cualquier otro corredor. También son el único corredor que ofrece estas características centradas en el comerciante en la plataforma MT4. Son un gran corredor para empezar, ya que ofrecen una amplia gama de herramientas educativas y videos, y los directores de relaciones personales de apoyo y formación. Con un depósito mínimo de 25, los comerciantes pueden comenzar a comerciar más de 300 mercados inmediatamente incluyendo monedas, materias primas, índices y opciones. Los comerciantes también pueden seguir el estado de sus retiros en línea en su cuenta. Operando en más de 160 países en todo el mundo, la compañía existe desde 2003 y tiene licencia de CySEC y ASIC, dando a los clientes un alto grado de confianza y seguridad. Asegúrese de revisar las promociones que ofrecen. GFT Markets Global Futures Exchange y Trading Company Inc. fue fundada en el año 1998. Esta empresa tiene tres oficinas en los Estados Unidos y está registrada y aprobada por varias autoridades gubernamentales. Esta es una de las firmas de corretaje independientes más grandes y proporciona a comerciantes así como a inversionistas oportunidades y opciones sanas para el futuro en el mundo de la divisa. Si bien de vez en cuando con el volumen de clientes que manejan hay una queja de retraso o error de juicio, pero la mayoría de las otras veces este agente proporciona a los usuarios con medios eficientes de comercio y es un corredor de confianza para el comercio de Forex. IFC Markets IFC Markets es un producto del Grupo IFCM. Ofrecen dos plataformas a saber NetTradeX y Metareader4 y demuestran con la opción de dos tipos de cuentas para ambas plataformas. Los depósitos mínimos varían de una cuenta a otra y pueden oscilar entre 1 y 300. Al igual que la mayoría de los corredores, la CFI no cobra comisiones, pero gana dinero a través de spreads. Proporcionan el servicio de atención al cliente habitual las 24 horas y están certificados por organizaciones gubernamentales. El único aspecto negativo de los mercados de IFC es el diseño del sitio web que sufre de navegación problemática y lugares de información confusos. Alvexo Alvexo es un corredor forex global cuya plataforma de negociación es propiedad de VPR Safe Financial Group con sede en Chipre. Su plataforma MetaTrader 4 es la más popular entre los operadores de divisas porque contiene un amplio espectro de herramientas y servicios. También tienen plataformas de comercio web y móviles. El primer depósito mínimo es de 500 para una cuenta clásica. Sus spreads son altamente competitivos y sus titulares de cuenta principal disfrutar de los más baratos. Ofrecen servicio al cliente las veinticuatro horas del día y cumplen con todas las reglas y regulaciones. FxPro Group FxPro es uno de los corredores más grandes de la divisa y es confiado en por millares de comerciantes alrededor del trabajo. Se cobra un depósito mínimo de 500 y un apalancamiento máximo de 500: 1. Utiliza plataformas como MT4, FxPro, Super comerciante y MT5cTrader y es compatible con Windows, web, Android e iOS. Aunque no ofrecen bonos en este momento tienen la más amplia gama de servicios disponibles para sus clientes. TradeStation Para los corredores de Forex altamente avanzados que se preocupan por cumplir con los objetivos mensuales y se sazonan con el tiempo de comercio eficiente y eficaz con la preocupación por su cartera también. El honorario cargado en la plataforma es absolutamente alto si los criterios mensuales no son satisfechos por los comerciantes que es absolutamente irritante. Con unos pocos factores a mejorar en esta plataforma en general resultó ser bueno y bastante eficiente, así ganar popularidad rápidamente entre los comerciantes. FXCM Éste es el corredor más grande de la divisa basado en Nueva York y es un nombre confiado en la industria de la divisa. Utiliza una variedad de plataformas diferentes que abarcan diferentes sistemas operativos. Tienen una extensión flotante y son conocidos por su opresión. Una cuenta con FXCM se puede iniciar con sólo 50. Una limitación con este corredor es que operan en el mercado de divisas de EE. UU. sólo así que necesitará otro corredor para otros mercados. AvaTrade Lleno de herramientas de comercio automotriz y paquete de software para los clientes, la plataforma Avatrade es una forma única y útil para que los operadores negocien en línea en el mercado de divisas. Esta empresa es una filial de Ava Financial Ltd. Y viene con un software para los usuarios. El software proporcionado por el corredor se basa en MetaTrader 4 altamente recomendado y es genuino y seguro. Con un depósito mínimo de 100 y un ratio de apalancamiento de 400: 1 los inversores simples pueden sonreír a grandes ganancias en ningún momento, pero siempre debe tenerse en cuenta que cuanto mayor sea el apalancamiento mayor será la responsabilidad que sigue. Cargado con seguridad y seguridad a los inversores para el comercio en grandes volúmenes de dinero Avatrade se centra sin duda en la seguridad de los clientes, que es una buena cosa. La empresa también proporciona apoyo para los principiantes para que entiendan lo que están invirtiendo su dinero in Instaforex Es nombrado por los usuarios como uno de los corredores más favorecidos y eficientes disponibles en el mercado como de presente. Esta plataforma ofrece buenos spreads y los oficios se ejecutan a un nivel mucho mejor que las otras plataformas promedio. Su plataforma es a menudo considerado como fácil de usar y su ejecución instantánea de pedidos ayuda a mantener su perfil profesional que sigue atrayendo a más comerciantes a su plataforma. Lleno de análisis de primera clase para los comerciantes y ofertas y beneficios para beneficiar a los inversores este corredor ha sido considerado a menudo como altamente eficiente en el mundo forex. Hay una serie de premios y certificaciones de InstantForex que es sólo un factor añadido a la seguridad de los inversores y el gran número de usuarios de la plataforma también forman un gran atractivo en el aumento de la credibilidad de la plataforma. Los comerciantes de divisas y los inversores pueden simplemente confiar en esta plataforma, aunque siempre tienen que vigilar los riesgos que podrían estar involucrados en todo momento. XGLOBAL Mercados Favorecido por una serie de corredores en el mercado de divisas de esta plataforma ha crecido para tomar el centro de atención en los últimos años. Esta plataforma es conocida por proporcionar retiros rápidos para su beneficio en el comercio, la plataforma también se respeta por su velocidad de rayo procesamiento de colocación y cierre de órdenes dadas por los comerciantes la cuenta a todos los clientes dada majorly es uno y la ausencia de swaps o Comisiones hace que la experiencia incluso tentador para los comerciantes. Los spreads ofrecidos por esta plataforma son de naturaleza más competitiva y las comisiones o cargos ocultos no se imponen o declaran repentinamente sobre los comerciantes. No hay límite sobre la cantidad de depósito mínimo y la plataforma acoge con satisfacción todas las estrategias para el comercio, incluyendo los principales asesores expertos en el mercado que la mayoría de los comerciantes a menudo utilizan y confían en la recopilación de información y determinar sus operaciones futuras. Oanda Mientras se estableció en la década de 1990 y ser nombrado como uno de los corredores de divisas más grandes e influyentes de este sitio web tiene absolutamente nada más a la izquierda para demostrar su nombre. This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders. This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors. While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for their bad decisions or losses. In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. Forexworld (forexworld. au) With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario. As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent. The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. Forexpros (investing ) This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders. The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown more reliable and trustable. Forex factory (forexfactory ) People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers. This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders. There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. Investopia (investopedia ) With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day. This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this website is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel. The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. Enviado por Edward Revy el 28 de febrero de 2007 - 12:52. La negociación activa de Forex y la investigación constante nos permitieron recolectar diferentes estrategias y técnicas en nuestro arsenal comercial. Today our Team is glad to present a new fair Forex trading strategies website where traders can quickly and free explore different Forex strategies and learn trading techniques Why do we share our knowledge We are traders like others and we like what we do. No hay secretos sobre el comercio de Forex, sólo la experiencia y la dedicación. Además, en Internet hay innumerables vendedores que ofrecen sus estrategias y sistemas para los comerciantes listos para pagar. we would be surprised if you haven t met one yet Free or paid the choice is for traders to make. Nuestra elección es una colección gratuita. We are also going to update our collection each time we discover a new good Forex strategy We welcome You today to explore Forex trading strategies and systems with us and hope You find some useful information for yourself that will eventually improve your trading Ready to share your ideas with other traders Post your trading strategy at our forum join us in our mission to help Forex traders become better traders Arena is the software for those who have a good understanding of investing and how to build a strategy, but don t want to code or use programs that give you code that must be tested, re-coded and then tested again. Todos hemos estado allí, usted ha trabajado en finanzas desde hace años y usted tiene ideas brillantes de poner una estrategia juntos, pero usted va a pagar un programador de un brazo y una pierna para codificar una estrategia para usted o su va a construir En algo que es lento y torpe. It writes out the code for you you copy and paste it into MT4, it doesn t hit the target in just the right place you go back and adjust etc, etc, etc. Submitted by User on September 13, 2015 - 23:04. Autor: Hassam Forex trading puede ser divertido si se puede dominar la habilidad de la gestión de riesgos. En mi opinión, lo más importante en cualquier comercio es la gestión de riesgos. If you risk 30 pips per trade and make 100 pips on average, even if you have a 50 winrate you will be making 350 pips in 10 trades ( 50 winrate means in 10 trades you win 5 trades and you lose 5 trades on average. Winning 5 trades means making 500 pips and losing 5 trades means you lose 150 pips so you make a total of 350 pips). There is a no 100 winning trade setup. Cada configuración de comercio tiene una probabilidad de fracaso. Cuando usted entra en un comercio, usted está tomando el riesgo. Con un pequeño riesgo, asegura que si falla la configuración del comercio no perderá mucho. El truco está en entrar en pequeñas y probar las aguas. Cuando el comercio se mueve a su favor y usted está bastante seguro de que ha capturado un buen movimiento, debe abrir más posiciones. Esto se asegurará de que usted multiplica sus variedades de las ganancias. La cuestión importante es cómo lo hacemos. Yo uso candelabros mucho en mi comercio. H4 vela y H1 vela son muy importantes y pueden darle pistas muy importantes donde el precio va y donde debe colocar la pérdida de parada. I don t bother about M5, M15 but use M30 candles as well as H1 and H4 candles in making my entry and exit decisions. Sólo abro un comercio al cierre de la vela M30, H1 o H4. Todos los indicadores están rezagados y no son fiables. El indicador más confiable como se mencionó anteriormente es la acción del precio. En las capturas de pantalla verás oscilador estocástico y MACD. I use them only 30 of the time while the use candlesticks 70 of the time. Los promedios móviles trabajan como fuertes niveles de apoyo y resistencia. Utilizo medias móviles como niveles de soporte y resistencia. Sobre el autor: Martin Pearce, comerciante profesional de la divisa y miembro del equipo de la revolución de FX Trading. Él muestra la verdad sobre los forex y corredores. To contact him, fill in the contact form at the FXTradingRevolution website. How I saved over a million in one year of live trading Undoubtedly, every trader has already been thinking about how to make their first million by trading on FOREX. They tried a dozen various systems, strategies or indicators that are guaranteed to work, and yet the success dreamt of hasn t arrived yet. Have you really tried everything Now I would like to show you a bit of a different perspective on how to save your first million with live trading. This is the tenth year I ve been investing in capital markets. Junto con mis socios de negocios trabajamos como gestores de cartera para clientes institucionales. During our time on the FOREX market we ve realized that success in manual trading depends on: 1) The traders abilities - how he can adapt, sense an opportunity for potential profit, and accept trading loss situations 2) On the broker through whom he realized transactions. Ni siquiera mencionar la importancia de elegir un corredor de primera clase en el comercio normal o incluso de alta frecuencia. Permítanme aclarar primero cuáles son los costos que cada trato realizado implica en la realidad. En el siguiente ejemplo ilustrativo de comercio real verá cuán significativa la diferencia en los costos totales podría ser con varios corredores. Enviado por Usuario el 4 de marzo de 2014 - 00:35. Presentado por Andrei Florian Myron (aquí) dibujamos la línea de tendencia de HH (Higher Highs) y HL (Higher Lows) para la tendencia alcista y LH (Lower Highs) y LL (Lower Lows) para la tendencia a la baja. Necesitamos un mínimo de 2 oscilaciones de LH para la tendencia bajista y un mínimo de 2 oscilaciones de HL para la tendencia alcista. Necesitamos ser seguidores de tendencias y SIEMPRE ir con la tendencia. Estas son las palabras de Myron cuando se presentó la estrategia de la línea de tendencia, no la mía. Por lo tanto, cuando la tercera vez el precio se cruzan nuestra línea estamos buscando comprar si tenemos línea de tendencia alcista y para vender si tenemos línea de tendencia bajista. For example, on AUD/USD Daily we got a huge and clearly downtrend Submitted by User on January 12, 2014 - 18:51. MACD Forex Binary Options Strategy For M5 Timeframe That Is Very Easy, Simple And Powerful There are many forex binary options strategies available in the market. Trading opciones binarias forex es mucho más simple en comparación con forex. No hay stop loss o tomar ganancias. Sólo necesita obtener la dirección del mercado correctamente. That s all. Ahora bien, esta es una estrategia de opciones binarias de forex muy simple que utiliza un patrón de velas en combinación con MACD. MACD es un indicador de impulso muy potente. Enviado por Edward Revy el 18 de octubre de 2013 - 13:47. Submitted by Adam Green 1. Main Concepts Beginners must attain sufficient trading expertise and skill in order to be capable of selecting excellent stop-losses and profit targets for all the trades that they execute. Estas son acciones cruciales para perfeccionar principalmente porque Forex tiene un carácter tan errático e impredecible que rápidamente puede detener posiciones salvaguardadas por sólo pequeñas stop-loss, por ejemplo, 50 pips o menos. El siguiente gráfico muestra esta situación comercial. En el gráfico anterior, precio avanzado dentro de un rango de comercio limitado, como se muestra hacia su lado izquierdo, antes de que finalmente se hundió a la baja. Posteriormente se activó una nueva posición corta protegida por una parada-pérdida localizada aproximadamente 50 pips por encima del nivel de resistencia anterior. Desgraciadamente, un importante aumento alcista de los precios causó que este comercio saliera a pérdida. Enviado por Edward Revy el 21 de enero de 2011 - 13:12. I ve decided to gather the resources about Trailing Stop EAs available today. Most of indicators and EAs is a courtesy of Forex-TSD - one of the most advanced forums about Forex trading, where you can find almost anything But even then, it s sometimes difficult to find indicators/EAs you need quickly. So, I ve decided to make a series of pages with indicators and Expert Advisors (EAs) that, in my opinion, are the most useful. Follow me, enjoy trading Submitted by Edward Revy on December 17, 2009 - 13:05. Forex Forex News Fuentes de datos: Mecklai Financial Services - 5 minutos de retraso de los datos de moneda spot, la moneda de EOD hacia adelante y los datos de futuros, informes, tasas de depósito. Oanda Currency Spot EOD datos para el convertidor de divisas, los datos de la moneda basada en el continente y el rendimiento histórico. Todos los sellos de los tiempos están reflejando IST (hora estándar india). Al utilizar este sitio, acepta las Condiciones de servicio y la Política de privacidad. Navegar Empresas Examinar Fondos Mutuos Otros tiempos Sitios de noticias del grupo Vida y entretenimiento Redes Hot on the Web Services Copyright Co. Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados. Forex Forex News Fuentes de datos: Mecklai Financial Services - 5 minutos de retraso de los datos de moneda spot, la moneda de EOD hacia adelante y los datos de futuros, informes, tasas de depósito. Oanda Currency Spot EOD datos para el convertidor de divisas, los datos de la moneda basada en el continente y el rendimiento histórico. Todos los sellos de los tiempos están reflejando IST (hora estándar india). Al utilizar este sitio, acepta las Condiciones de servicio y la Política de privacidad. Navegar Empresas Examinar Fondos Mutuos Otros tiempos Sitios de noticias del grupo Vida y entretenimiento Redes Hot on the Web Services Copyright Co. Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados. Welcome to FOREX trading YOUR NO 1 RESSOURCE FOR COMPARING THE BIGGEST FX BROKER WORLDWIDE There are hundrets of FOREX broker out there. But only some are reliable enought to get in our comparion table. Why should you give your money to other banks than the best Or do you love the risk to lose your funds What is Forex trading Forex, also known as currency market or FX is the short form of the foreign exchange market. This market is decentralized globally to facilitate the trade between different currencies. If measured by volume of net trading activity, it is the biggest marketplace in the entire world. Large international banks are the major participants of this market. The trading activity takes place on weekdays with various financial centers globally which act as anchors of allow trading among multiple sellers and buyers. The relative rates of various currencies are determined by the market for foreign exchange. Is Forex trading an investment Even it is not the classic way to invest in, Forex treding is one of the profitablest ways to invest money. Start learning today Forex trading investment Although Forex trading is very different from other passive types of investments like real estate, mutual funds or bonds but it is a very popular form of investment for a huge number of people worldwide. There are a number of factors which an investor must consider before deciding upon a type of investment which is most likely to result in the largest returns. One such factor that can make or break a deal for a potential investor is the liquidity of assets granted by the given investment. Liquidity is a very important aspect for any person who wants to be actively involved to exploit all possible opportunities which include short term investment opportunities. It is a well-known fact that no other market can compete with forex when it comes to liquidity as there are transactions upwards of 3 Trillion USD occurring every day. Forex allows for a great deal of flexibility and freedom to the investor as they are able to make a profit in both directions of the value of the security on which the transactions are based. Another argument in favor of Forex as an investment is the ease of access and control that is unrivalled by any other form of investment. Investors have the ability to examine and operate their Forex investments from any country on the globe through the internet. The smartphone and smart-device revolution has allowed the trading to go app-based so that the users can indulge in trading using the phone in the palm of their hand. Can I get a millionaire by forex trading Do you wonder, if there is a way to get a millionaire by trading with forex The short answer: yes, that could happen. Get Forex millionaire Once you understand the basics and get in tune with the optimal strategies, Forex can become one of the most profitable methods of earning money. Due to the global penetration, there are numerous opportunities and a huge scope for big profit margins which has enabled countless people to become millionaires by trading in the forex market. By clearly defining your investment strategy and dealing only with selected currency pairs that are within your knowledge base, you can easily start a successful investment career in Forex trading and be on your way to become a millionaire. To realize the million dollar dream, it is important for you as an investor to always stick to your well formulated trading plan and minimize risk levels as far as possible. It is of paramount importance to have in-depth knowledge of the forex market and its inner workings. It is important to realize that this is a business like any other and requires hard work, patience and dedication to grow and prosper. By making the right decisions and managing your emotions properly, you can start making a respectable amount of money on a regular basis. It is inevitable that you will have to face failure and losses a sometimes, but it is necessary to learn from those mistakes and keep trying until you succeed. The world of Forex trading is full of outstanding people who are well known all over the world for the success and overwhelming results that they have achieved. Forex trading for beginners Being a beginner in the forex market can be a very scary experience due to the complexity and fast paced nature of currency fluctuations and market changes. Therefore it is necessary for a beginner to be familiar with all terminologies and trade strategies to avoid high risk trades and the losses associated with them. Market hours for forex Forex market is operational nearly around the clock. But can you trade on saturday or sunday This questions is asked by many newbies, so here is the answer. Forex market hours Market hours are defined as the time throughout which traders can buy, sell and exchange currencies. The forex marketplace is operational round the clock, from Monday to Friday. The market remains closed on weekdays so trading on Saturdays and Sundays is not possible. The market functions internationally and is comprised of banks, hedge funds, commercial companies, investors and retail forex brokers which operate in multiple time-zones. Due to its international nature and various time-zones involved, the market is accessible at almost any given time. As forex is not dominated by any single market but is composed of a global network, its market hours are the sum of operational hours in each participating country. The highest volume of trading activity takes place when the market times in these countries overlap. 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM EST Forex currency exchange rates The exchange rate for a particular currency is defined as the amount/value of foreign currency that can be purchased with that currency. In other words, it is the rate at which the given currency can be exchange for some other currency. The exchange rates operate in a free-floating regime and the value currencies can vary relative to each other based on the supply and demand characteristics of the market. Due to this, the exchange rates for all currencies change constantly and are dependent on a huge number of factors and conditions which may be economic, social, political or even psychological in nature. As a forex trader, you can make money by utilizing this fluctuation in currency exchange rates in your favor. Traders buy a currency when its relative value is low in the exchange market and sell it off when the value increases. The difference in the buying and selling price of the currency results in profits for the trader. By carefully studying the market trends based on statistical data and past experiences, a fair prediction can be made about the value change of a particular currency over time and you can use this knowledge to place well informed and educated bets on a particular currency to make profits. Careful formulation of trading strategies and following expert advice can help you to start making profits in the forex market in no time. Often traded combinations You can trade every currency pair you like. But some oft the Forex combinations are traded very heavy. In this market you will find buyers in millisecounds. Most traded Forex combinations Although traders have the ability to trade in a large number of global currencies, some currency pairs are traded in the highest volume. We will have a look at some of the most traded currency pairs and examine the reason for their widespread popularity. EUR/USD (Euro/ US Dollars) This is the most popular currency pair worldwide due to economic superiority and stability of the US and European economies. It accounts for one third of all deals made in the forex market. USD/JPY (US Dollars/ Japanese Yen) This is the second most traded currency pair and has been highly sensitive to political sentiments and policies between the United States of America and far eastern countries like Japan. GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound/ US Dollars) Again, due to the economic strength of the US and Great Britain, this pair is quite popular. USD/CAD (US Dollars/Canadian Dollars) Although it is fourth on this list, is favored due to the stability of these two currencies and positive relationships between the two nations. USD/CHF (US Dollars/Swill Franc) The Swiss franc is considered one of the safest currencies and its pairing with the US dollar results in its popularity. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/United States Dollar) Both currencies are relatively stable and backed up by major world powers. Economic calendar Waht is happening today or tomorrow in major national economics The knowlege about getting new data about what could happen in market is worth money Forex economic calendar To ensure a fair degree of success in forex trading, it is necessary to predict the market movement and act on this information in a timely fashion. Although there is a high degree of unpredictable fluctuation in the market, expert and highly experienced traders continuously analyses various economic events to predict currency movements and market shifts. Using an economic calendar is one of the easiest way to keep up with the various changes in the market and make low-risk bets which have a high change of positive economic return. You can create your own economic calendar my manually maintaining a list of the major indicators and updating them regularly through online search. You can even use online calendars which are provided by various financial institutions and brokers who update the information automatically for you to analyses and use. Forex signals Forex signals are necessary for good trades. This signals are needed by nearly everybody, who is trading in this market. There are some good alert services. Forex trading strategies There are a number of tricks and strategies used by people in order to try to succeed in the field of forex. While forex trading is something which can t be learnt by heart or be completely safe but there are trading strategies which have been developed and tested over years by experts to become successful depending upon different factors such as the technical usage of charts, numbers and relying to understanding the market as per the events presently. While some of the strategies are quite famous and are used widely others are used only by a small number of traders, the strategies can vary in their complexity depending on the levels of steps and their application. A strategy is always important for you to be successful in your forex endeavors. Why strategy is important and how it affects traders in the world of forex is further discussed in the sub sections. A well planned strategy with good guidance is all you need to turn around your future and a badly planned strategy can also have equal devastating effects. Trading strategies makes winners Many beginner start forex trading without any idea of a strategie. This is a neck breaking technique and will make you lose money on long term. Strategies are like air you breathe Which news have an impact on the exchange rates And which way do they go, when they come out This is the question of news dates based Forex traders. Read more about it. Political based strategies WAR What is it good for Absolutely NOTHING. - Edwin Star did not know, that trading on political statements could be a win for SHORT traders. But: not everybody wants to trade events like this. Political based Forex trading Different political statements across the world can impact the forex trading market. While some amateur users are completely dependent on economic charts and news for making decisions and on the other hand the experienced forex traders look out for the political statements and adjust their trades accordingly to the impact. Traders can follow market analysis along with economic calendars and entail the use of news and political trends to determine any shifts in the market and be on the better winning side. Various important announcements such as relating to wars, politics of a country or news relating directly to the currency can change and influence the value of currencies depending on the impact of the decision on public or the nation as a whole and the related currency pairing. With keeping updated constantly and following the right sources for analysis and economic calendars you can make early and beneficiary decisions as early as possible for best gain. Economical based strategies What is the output of an economy And how will it change compared to other countries A middle or long term change in competitiveness of a country can be tradet like a company share. Economical based Forex trading There can be different aspects of trading and in forex trading people can choose to buy the currency of a country for a period of time after which it will be bought back at rates higher than the original. This can be simply considered as lending of money and comes through repurchase agreements known as repo. The lender of the money is the buyer of a repo and the seller is the borrower of money. In earlier days the amount of gold available with a country stated the creditworthiness of the country and more and more countries kept hoarding gold in order to increase their monetary value but now that has changed and the structure and functioning of any country s central bank can be used to determine the future for its currency to a certain extent. If the central bank is strong and not driven by debts then the currency is likely to proceed if the country is backed by resources for income. This is a combination of some more Forex tactics. The basic is to find some indicators in real economics, to try to explain what in future happens. Is a country underrated Fundamental Forex Analysis trading Fundamental analysis is a combination of two words which mean studying the economic position and credit worthiness of countries so that traders can get help in trading currencies efficiently. Fundamental analysis is quite often used in the forex trading markets by different traders using various technologies to benefit them in several ways. The fundamental analysis basically is measuring the impact of political as well as economical decisions taken by the country and the impact of those decisions on the currency in which you are trading. The figures and statements given by politicians as well as economists in their speeches or declarations to the public are quite important as it can easily determine the impact on the currency and the forex market. Traders have strategies for such economic announcements esp. by U. S. prior to their declaration and be prepared for the impact. Forex Technology There are a number of forex trading technologies, while some of these trading technologies provided by major companies such as FOREXTrader Pro which is a platform developed according to forex traders with quality functions which can be performed easily along with giving high performance. FOREXTrader PRO is available on desktop for desktops as well as smartphones for both Apple as well as Android versions. MetaTrader 4 is another trading platform which traders use quite often due to its transparency and other features while there are other platforms also available depending on the regions such as GTX Forex ECN which is a good platform for professional forex traders. While most of the trading websites offer these trading platforms and technologies which users can use for trading, people can also choose to buy these software s for themselves and built trading platforms for themselves or other clients. You can either choose to be an online trader at the websites in case you have lesser amount of money to begin with or be a broker in case you have ample amount of savings. Online trading platforms Nearly every Forex trading bank provides an online platform to trade Forex currencies. It is the easiest way to start with trading. But for scalping it is not the best way. Online Forex trading platforms Online trading platforms are provided by a number of websites, they can either provide the traders with plug ins and software for installation which will become active on being connected to the internet while in other trading platforms it is relatively different as all the trading charts and platforms operate from the servers of the website. Different websites and trading platforms offer various benefits over the others. The applications and features offered by different platforms form their benefits as well as disadvantages. While the user must be able to customize and access more and more information possible there is a limitation to this technicality since the user should not be bombarded with useless information and the trading platform should be able to perform the trickiest functions with ease. While some platforms might be quite powerful and useful for trading they also need to have a friendly interface so that beginners are also helped in their trading process instead of just focusing on the professional traders only. Downloadable Tools This is a good way to trade Forex, without the delay of http-requests. You get every tick through a fast gateway. Also there is the oppotunity to trade automatically. This is the best known platform for Forex trading. But not only Forex trading is possible, you can trade via CFDs nearly every stock or currency. Depending of your bank. Forex tools There can be a number of tools which traders use online for forex trading. While there are certain tools which are quite good and effective both for getting the knowledge and graphics for the trading along with the platforms to perform trading options and see the current ratios. There are different benefits of tools and various forums dedicated to testing tools such as pro with the growing competition are present on which expert traders along with other people can voice their opinions for the effectiveness of these tools and how much they are dependable. There are many tools such as the profit calculator, pip USD value calculator etc. Forex education: Books Videos Learning is quite important before you choose to do anything and where risky money and time is involved such as in forex trading then you have to learn a lot and be prepared for the chance when you take it. There are different tutorials for different people such as the basics of forex, learning what are pips and quotes, the knowledge of the currencies a trader wants to trade is also quite important and decisive which can be learnt through tutorials. There are quite efficient books and online tutorial videos available on website which can help you become a pro level trader and get big in the field of forex trading there are also a number of tutorials available on websites which guide the traders to make the best of the tools and software they are using for forex trading. In short, online videos and tutorials are the holy grail of forex trading and if chosen correctly at the right time, they can get you to great heights in the world of forex. Online Video Tutorials Leverage FX and Forex Trading are among the famous YouTube channels to provide people with videos on forex and its basics while Forex Club is a constantly updated channel which are quite few in number these days. The constantly updated channels of big companies or forums are a very helpful insight in dealing with currencies in the daily market, sometimes these channels and their videos are very helpful in notifying future changes in the market. Forex Books Forex has become quite a lot popular in the past years and this has led to more books related to forex being published. There are a vast amount of books which advise people on how to become successful traders in the forex world. Some of these books are worth your time and are good enough so that you can learn from them in an efficient manner but others are not so effective, with so many opinions and people giving their reviews it is quite an impossible task for any trader to read all the famous and recommended books before beginning to invest. There are a few selected books which are mentioned in the subsections below which have been recently deemed as the best in the recent forex trading world. These books work well and have been reviewed positively for people beginning their forex careers. Forex for Beginners by Anna Coulling Forex for Beginners is quite a helpful book by Anna Coulling for forex trading beginners. This book provides a good knowledge about various aspects of the forex market and is the third successful book by the author. This book is often said to provide good basic knowledge to build upon further by traders in forex markets. The Forex Trader s Handbook by Zan Kotnik This book is a pretty impressive feat at introducing forex world and its basics to the readers. There have been a number of favorable reviews by the critics towards the book and this book is considered as quite an easy way to get familiar with the technology and terminologies of the daily trading world. How to Start Your Own Forex Signal Service by Rimantas Petrauskas This book is quite a good guide for beginners to build automated earning systems such that they can get constant profits and outputs through them. This book teaches the readers the secrets behind making thousands of dollars each month even through the simple use of a demo account which is often possessed by almost every trader at the beginning of their career. The Forex Trading Strategy Bible by Michael Fisher This book is quite informative and about the forex trading markets in the upcoming days. This book is often regarded as impressive and important by the traders in the forex world to get guidelines as well as instructions before they set on their journey in the currencies. Top Forex brokers reviews With increase in the forex market volume there are a number of websites on the internet claiming to be the best online brokerage firm. Not only are they not true most of the times, the fake promises and false guidance set as a trap by these websites can lead you to purchase useless reviews and tutorials. Some brokers have lagging and unmaintained user support even with their high fee while other brokers who offered a free account and minimal competitive rates suddenly starts to shoot the moon with profits made off margins on your trades. There are a number of disadvantages to many brokers and sometimes over hyped firms and improperly tested brokers can get you to lose money. In the quick running world of today you certainly don t want to end up at the end of any race and hence you will require a good guidance and insight in the best proven brokers in the recent past and over the years. While each broker has certain advantages there are a good deal of hidden aspects to look out for also. Sometimes extra fee and other times inefficiency in placing orders can cause you to lose money rapidly and it is of no use to constantly keep lingering on to such brokers just to get the money you had once lost. Instead of trying on every broker, there is a list of finely handpicked brokers who have proven their credibility over the recent years and are good enough to begin with in the journey of trading in the forex market. These brokers come with different features and offers for the people and you have to choose wisely what your goals are and which broker you want to choose depending on your goals and strategies. Always aim to invest smaller amounts in the beginning before jumping on to make larger bets as you can get to know any hidden glitches in the platform of the broker or your connection in the beginning stages only without facing much losses in doing so. Easy-Forex Perhaps one of the easiest on the market, the easy-forex online platform offers a large number of unique features that benefit the trader. Fixed spreads, guaranteed stops and negative balance protection mean they have the most transparent pricing of almost any other broker. They re also the only broker to offer these trader-centric features on the MT4 platform. They re a great broker to start with as they offer a wide range of educational tools and videos, and personal relationship managers for support and training. With a minimum deposit of 25, traders can start trading over 300 markets immediately including currencies, commodities, indices and options. Traders can also track the status of their withdrawals online in their account. Operating in over 160 countries worldwide, the company has been around since 2003 and are licensed by CySEC and ASIC giving clients a high-degree of trust and safety. Be sure to check out the promotions they offer. GFT Markets Global Futures Exchange and Trading Company Inc. was founded in the year 1998. This company has three offices in the United States and is registered and approved by various governmental authorities. This is one of the largest independent brokerage firms and it provides traders as well as investors with opportunities and healthy options for the future in Forex world. While every once in a while with the volume of customers they handle there is a complaint of delay or misjudgment but most of the other times this broker provides users with efficient means of trading and is a trusted broker for Forex trading. IFC Markets IFC Markets is a product of the IFCM Group. They offer two platforms namely NetTradeX and Metareader4 and prove with the option of two account types for both the platforms. Minimum deposits vary from account to account and can range between 1 and 300. Like most brokers, IFC does not levy any commissions but make money through spreads. They provide the usual 24 hour customer service and are certified by government organizations. The only negative aspect of IFC Markets is the website design which suffers from problematic navigation and confusing information locations. Alvexo Alvexo is a global forex broker whose trading platform is owned by VPR Safe Financial Group based in Cyprus. Their MetaTrader 4 platform is the most popular with foreign exchange traders because it contains a wide spectrum of tools and services. They also have web and mobile trading platforms. The minimum first deposit is 500 for a classic account. Their spreads are highly competitive and their prime account holders enjoy the cheapest ones. They offer customer service round the clock and comply with all the rules and regulations. FxPro Group FxPro is one of the biggest forex brokers and is trusted by thousands of traders around the work. They charge a minimum deposit of 500 and a maximum leverage of 500:1. It uses platforms like MT4, FxPro, Super trader and MT5cTrader and is compatible with Windows, web, android and iOS. Although they don t offer any bonuses at this time they have the widest range of services available to their clients. TradeStation For the highly advanced forex brokers who care about meeting those monthly targets and are seasoned over the time trading efficiently and effectively with being concerned about their portfolio as well. The fee charged on the platform is quite high if the monthly criteria are not met by the traders which is quite irritating. With a few factors to be improved on this platform overall proved to be good and quite efficient thus gaining popularity quickly among the traders. FXCM This is the largest forex broker based in New York and is a trusted name within the forex industry. It uses a variety of different platforms which span across different operating systems. They have a floating spread and are known for their tightness. An account with FXCM can be started with only 50. A limitation with this broker is that they operate in the US forex market only so you will require another broker for other markets. AvaTrade Filled with auto-trading tools and software package for the clients the Avatrade platform is a unique and helpful way for traders to deal online in the forex market. This company is a subsidiary of Ava Financial Ltd. And comes with a software for the users. The software provided by the broker is based on highly recommended MetaTrader 4 and is genuine and safe. With a minimum deposit of 100 and a leverage ratio of 400:1 simple investors can smile upon big profits in no time but it should always be kept in mind that the greater the leverage the greater is the responsibility which follows. Loaded with safety and assurance to the investors for trading in huge volumes of money Avatrade focuses certainly on the security of the customers which is a good thing. The company also provides support for the beginners so that they understand what they are investing their money in. Instaforex It is named by the users as one of the most favored and efficient brokers available in the market as of present. This platform provides with good spreads and the trades are executed at a far better level than the other average platforms. Their platform is often regarded as user friendly and their instant execution of orders helps in maintaining their professional profile which keeps attracting more traders to their platform. Filled with top notch analysis for the traders and offers and perks to benefit the investors this broker has often been regarded as highly efficient in the forex world. There are a number of prizes and certifications for InstantForex which is just an adding factor to the security of the investors and the large number of users of the platform also form quite an appeal in increasing the credibility of the platform. The forex traders and investors can simply trust on this platform although they always have to keep a lookout for the risks which might be involved at all times. XGLOBAL Markets Favored by a number of brokers in the forex market this platform has grown to grab the limelight in the recent years. This platform is known to provide quick withdrawals for your profit in the trading, the platform is also respected for its lightning speed processing of placement and closing of orders given by the traders the account to all clients given majorly is one and the absence of swaps or commissions makes the experience even tempting for the traders. The spreads offered by this platform are most competitive in nature and commissions or hidden charges are not suddenly imposed or declared upon the traders. There is no bound on the amount for minimum deposit and the platform welcomes all the strategies for trading including the leading Expert Advisors on the market which most of the traders often use and rely on for gathering information and determining their future trades. Oanda While being established in the 1990 s and being named as one of the biggest and influential forex brokers this website has quite nothing more left to prove its name for. This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders. This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors. While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for their bad decisions or losses. In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. Forexworld (forexworld. au) With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario. As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent. The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. Forexpros (investing ) This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders. The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown more reliable and trustable. Forex factory (forexfactory ) People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers. This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders. There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. Investopia (investopedia ) With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day. This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this website is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel. The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. Trading En XM ofrecemos Micro y Cuentas Estándar que pueden coincidir con las necesidades de los comerciantes principiantes y experimentados con condiciones comerciales flexibles y apalancamiento hasta 888: 1. Ofrecemos una gama de más de 60 pares de divisas, metales preciosos, energías e índices de renta variable con los diferenciales más competitivos y con la legendaria no re-cita la ejecución de XM. Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo. Cuentas Instrumentos Condiciones de Negociación Comercio de Forex con XM. Comercio con un corredor grande, justo y humano. Plataformas En XM ofrecemos una gama de plataformas MT4 para sistemas operativos Windows y Mac. 1 cuenta le da acceso irrestricto a todas nuestras plataformas. Además, nuestra gama de aplicaciones MT4 Mobile para los sistemas operativos Apple y Android le permitirá acceder y intercambiar su cuenta desde su smartphone o tableta con una funcionalidad de cuenta completa. Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo. Smartphones PC / MAC Tablet One Account, One Single Login le da acceso a todas nuestras Plataformas de Comercio MT4. Investigación Educación Nuestro centro de Investigación y Educación ofrece actualizaciones diarias sobre todas las sesiones comerciales más importantes junto con múltiples informes diarios sobre todos los eventos críticos del mercado que diariamente moldean los mercados globales. Contamos con 20 profesionales de mercado multilingües y presentamos una base de conocimientos educativos diversificada para potenciar a nuestros clientes con una ventaja competitiva. Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo. Legal: XM es un nombre comercial de Trading Point Holdings Ltd, número de registro: HE 322690, (12 calle Richard Verengaria, Tribunal del Castillo de Araouzos, 3er piso 3042 Limassol, Chipre), que es propietaria íntegra de Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd (Chipre) Número de registro: HE 251334, (12 Calle Richard Verengaria, Tribunal del Castillo de Araouzos, 3er piso, 3042 Limassol, Chipre). El punto de negociación de los instrumentos financieros Ltd está regulado por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC) bajo la licencia número 120/10, y registrado con FCA (FSA, Reino Unido), bajo la referencia no . 538324. Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd opera de acuerdo con la Directiva sobre Mercados de Instrumentos Financieros (MiFID) de la Unión Europea. Advertencia de riesgo: Forex Trading implica un riesgo significativo para su capital invertido. Lea y asegúrese de que entiende completamente nuestra Divulgación de riesgos. Regiones restringidas: Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd no ofrece servicios para los ciudadanos de ciertas regiones, como Estados Unidos, Corea del Norte, Irán, Myanmar, Cuba, Sudán y Siria. Forex Forex News Fuentes de datos: Mecklai Financial Services - 5 minutos de retraso de los datos de moneda spot, la moneda de EOD hacia adelante y los datos de futuros, informes, tasas de depósito. Oanda Currency Spot EOD datos para el convertidor de divisas, los datos de la moneda basada en el continente y el rendimiento histórico. Todos los sellos de los tiempos están reflejando IST (hora estándar india). Al utilizar este sitio, acepta las Condiciones de servicio y la Política de privacidad. Navegar Empresas Examinar Fondos Mutuos Otros tiempos Sitios de noticias del grupo Vida y entretenimiento Redes Hot on the Web Services Copyright Co. Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados. Welcome to FOREX trading YOUR NO 1 RESSOURCE FOR COMPARING THE BIGGEST FX BROKER WORLDWIDE There are hundrets of FOREX broker out there. But only some are reliable enought to get in our comparion table. Why should you give your money to other banks than the best Or do you love the risk to lose your funds What is Forex trading Forex, also known as currency market or FX is the short form of the foreign exchange market. This market is decentralized globally to facilitate the trade between different currencies. If measured by volume of net trading activity, it is the biggest marketplace in the entire world. Large international banks are the major participants of this market. The trading activity takes place on weekdays with various financial centers globally which act as anchors of allow trading among multiple sellers and buyers. The relative rates of various currencies are determined by the market for foreign exchange. Is Forex trading an investment Even it is not the classic way to invest in, Forex treding is one of the profitablest ways to invest money. Start learning today Forex trading investment Although Forex trading is very different from other passive types of investments like real estate, mutual funds or bonds but it is a very popular form of investment for a huge number of people worldwide. There are a number of factors which an investor must consider before deciding upon a type of investment which is most likely to result in the largest returns. One such factor that can make or break a deal for a potential investor is the liquidity of assets granted by the given investment. Liquidity is a very important aspect for any person who wants to be actively involved to exploit all possible opportunities which include short term investment opportunities. It is a well-known fact that no other market can compete with forex when it comes to liquidity as there are transactions upwards of 3 Trillion USD occurring every day. Forex allows for a great deal of flexibility and freedom to the investor as they are able to make a profit in both directions of the value of the security on which the transactions are based. Another argument in favor of Forex as an investment is the ease of access and control that is unrivalled by any other form of investment. Investors have the ability to examine and operate their Forex investments from any country on the globe through the internet. The smartphone and smart-device revolution has allowed the trading to go app-based so that the users can indulge in trading using the phone in the palm of their hand. Can I get a millionaire by forex trading Do you wonder, if there is a way to get a millionaire by trading with forex The short answer: yes, that could happen. Get Forex millionaire Once you understand the basics and get in tune with the optimal strategies, Forex can become one of the most profitable methods of earning money. Due to the global penetration, there are numerous opportunities and a huge scope for big profit margins which has enabled countless people to become millionaires by trading in the forex market. By clearly defining your investment strategy and dealing only with selected currency pairs that are within your knowledge base, you can easily start a successful investment career in Forex trading and be on your way to become a millionaire. To realize the million dollar dream, it is important for you as an investor to always stick to your well formulated trading plan and minimize risk levels as far as possible. It is of paramount importance to have in-depth knowledge of the forex market and its inner workings. It is important to realize that this is a business like any other and requires hard work, patience and dedication to grow and prosper. By making the right decisions and managing your emotions properly, you can start making a respectable amount of money on a regular basis. It is inevitable that you will have to face failure and losses a sometimes, but it is necessary to learn from those mistakes and keep trying until you succeed. The world of Forex trading is full of outstanding people who are well known all over the world for the success and overwhelming results that they have achieved. Forex trading for beginners Being a beginner in the forex market can be a very scary experience due to the complexity and fast paced nature of currency fluctuations and market changes. Therefore it is necessary for a beginner to be familiar with all terminologies and trade strategies to avoid high risk trades and the losses associated with them. Market hours for forex Forex market is operational nearly around the clock. But can you trade on saturday or sunday This questions is asked by many newbies, so here is the answer. Forex market hours Market hours are defined as the time throughout which traders can buy, sell and exchange currencies. The forex marketplace is operational round the clock, from Monday to Friday. The market remains closed on weekdays so trading on Saturdays and Sundays is not possible. The market functions internationally and is comprised of banks, hedge funds, commercial companies, investors and retail forex brokers which operate in multiple time-zones. Due to its international nature and various time-zones involved, the market is accessible at almost any given time. As forex is not dominated by any single market but is composed of a global network, its market hours are the sum of operational hours in each participating country. The highest volume of trading activity takes place when the market times in these countries overlap. 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM EST Forex currency exchange rates The exchange rate for a particular currency is defined as the amount/value of foreign currency that can be purchased with that currency. In other words, it is the rate at which the given currency can be exchange for some other currency. The exchange rates operate in a free-floating regime and the value currencies can vary relative to each other based on the supply and demand characteristics of the market. Due to this, the exchange rates for all currencies change constantly and are dependent on a huge number of factors and conditions which may be economic, social, political or even psychological in nature. As a forex trader, you can make money by utilizing this fluctuation in currency exchange rates in your favor. Traders buy a currency when its relative value is low in the exchange market and sell it off when the value increases. The difference in the buying and selling price of the currency results in profits for the trader. By carefully studying the market trends based on statistical data and past experiences, a fair prediction can be made about the value change of a particular currency over time and you can use this knowledge to place well informed and educated bets on a particular currency to make profits. Careful formulation of trading strategies and following expert advice can help you to start making profits in the forex market in no time. Often traded combinations You can trade every currency pair you like. But some oft the Forex combinations are traded very heavy. In this market you will find buyers in millisecounds. Most traded Forex combinations Although traders have the ability to trade in a large number of global currencies, some currency pairs are traded in the highest volume. We will have a look at some of the most traded currency pairs and examine the reason for their widespread popularity. EUR/USD (Euro/ US Dollars) This is the most popular currency pair worldwide due to economic superiority and stability of the US and European economies. It accounts for one third of all deals made in the forex market. USD/JPY (US Dollars/ Japanese Yen) This is the second most traded currency pair and has been highly sensitive to political sentiments and policies between the United States of America and far eastern countries like Japan. GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound/ US Dollars) Again, due to the economic strength of the US and Great Britain, this pair is quite popular. USD/CAD (US Dollars/Canadian Dollars) Although it is fourth on this list, is favored due to the stability of these two currencies and positive relationships between the two nations. USD/CHF (US Dollars/Swill Franc) The Swiss franc is considered one of the safest currencies and its pairing with the US dollar results in its popularity. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/United States Dollar) Both currencies are relatively stable and backed up by major world powers. Economic calendar Waht is happening today or tomorrow in major national economics The knowlege about getting new data about what could happen in market is worth money Forex economic calendar To ensure a fair degree of success in forex trading, it is necessary to predict the market movement and act on this information in a timely fashion. Although there is a high degree of unpredictable fluctuation in the market, expert and highly experienced traders continuously analyses various economic events to predict currency movements and market shifts. Using an economic calendar is one of the easiest way to keep up with the various changes in the market and make low-risk bets which have a high change of positive economic return. You can create your own economic calendar my manually maintaining a list of the major indicators and updating them regularly through online search. You can even use online calendars which are provided by various financial institutions and brokers who update the information automatically for you to analyses and use. Forex signals Forex signals are necessary for good trades. This signals are needed by nearly everybody, who is trading in this market. There are some good alert services. Forex trading strategies There are a number of tricks and strategies used by people in order to try to succeed in the field of forex. While forex trading is something which can t be learnt by heart or be completely safe but there are trading strategies which have been developed and tested over years by experts to become successful depending upon different factors such as the technical usage of charts, numbers and relying to understanding the market as per the events presently. While some of the strategies are quite famous and are used widely others are used only by a small number of traders, the strategies can vary in their complexity depending on the levels of steps and their application. A strategy is always important for you to be successful in your forex endeavors. Why strategy is important and how it affects traders in the world of forex is further discussed in the sub sections. A well planned strategy with good guidance is all you need to turn around your future and a badly planned strategy can also have equal devastating effects. Trading strategies makes winners Many beginner start forex trading without any idea of a strategie. This is a neck breaking technique and will make you lose money on long term. Strategies are like air you breathe Which news have an impact on the exchange rates And which way do they go, when they come out This is the question of news dates based Forex traders. Read more about it. Political based strategies WAR What is it good for Absolutely NOTHING. - Edwin Star did not know, that trading on political statements could be a win for SHORT traders. But: not everybody wants to trade events like this. Political based Forex trading Different political statements across the world can impact the forex trading market. While some amateur users are completely dependent on economic charts and news for making decisions and on the other hand the experienced forex traders look out for the political statements and adjust their trades accordingly to the impact. Traders can follow market analysis along with economic calendars and entail the use of news and political trends to determine any shifts in the market and be on the better winning side. Various important announcements such as relating to wars, politics of a country or news relating directly to the currency can change and influence the value of currencies depending on the impact of the decision on public or the nation as a whole and the related currency pairing. With keeping updated constantly and following the right sources for analysis and economic calendars you can make early and beneficiary decisions as early as possible for best gain. Economical based strategies What is the output of an economy And how will it change compared to other countries A middle or long term change in competitiveness of a country can be tradet like a company share. Economical based Forex trading There can be different aspects of trading and in forex trading people can choose to buy the currency of a country for a period of time after which it will be bought back at rates higher than the original. This can be simply considered as lending of money and comes through repurchase agreements known as repo. The lender of the money is the buyer of a repo and the seller is the borrower of money. In earlier days the amount of gold available with a country stated the creditworthiness of the country and more and more countries kept hoarding gold in order to increase their monetary value but now that has changed and the structure and functioning of any country s central bank can be used to determine the future for its currency to a certain extent. If the central bank is strong and not driven by debts then the currency is likely to proceed if the country is backed by resources for income. This is a combination of some more Forex tactics. The basic is to find some indicators in real economics, to try to explain what in future happens. Is a country underrated Fundamental Forex Analysis trading Fundamental analysis is a combination of two words which mean studying the economic position and credit worthiness of countries so that traders can get help in trading currencies efficiently. Fundamental analysis is quite often used in the forex trading markets by different traders using various technologies to benefit them in several ways. The fundamental analysis basically is measuring the impact of political as well as economical decisions taken by the country and the impact of those decisions on the currency in which you are trading. The figures and statements given by politicians as well as economists in their speeches or declarations to the public are quite important as it can easily determine the impact on the currency and the forex market. Traders have strategies for such economic announcements esp. by U. S. prior to their declaration and be prepared for the impact. Forex Technology There are a number of forex trading technologies, while some of these trading technologies provided by major companies such as FOREXTrader Pro which is a platform developed according to forex traders with quality functions which can be performed easily along with giving high performance. FOREXTrader PRO is available on desktop for desktops as well as smartphones for both Apple as well as Android versions. MetaTrader 4 is another trading platform which traders use quite often due to its transparency and other features while there are other platforms also available depending on the regions such as GTX Forex ECN which is a good platform for professional forex traders. While most of the trading websites offer these trading platforms and technologies which users can use for trading, people can also choose to buy these software s for themselves and built trading platforms for themselves or other clients. You can either choose to be an online trader at the websites in case you have lesser amount of money to begin with or be a broker in case you have ample amount of savings. Online trading platforms Nearly every Forex trading bank provides an online platform to trade Forex currencies. It is the easiest way to start with trading. But for scalping it is not the best way. Online Forex trading platforms Online trading platforms are provided by a number of websites, they can either provide the traders with plug ins and software for installation which will become active on being connected to the internet while in other trading platforms it is relatively different as all the trading charts and platforms operate from the servers of the website. Different websites and trading platforms offer various benefits over the others. The applications and features offered by different platforms form their benefits as well as disadvantages. While the user must be able to customize and access more and more information possible there is a limitation to this technicality since the user should not be bombarded with useless information and the trading platform should be able to perform the trickiest functions with ease. While some platforms might be quite powerful and useful for trading they also need to have a friendly interface so that beginners are also helped in their trading process instead of just focusing on the professional traders only. Downloadable Tools This is a good way to trade Forex, without the delay of http-requests. You get every tick through a fast gateway. Also there is the oppotunity to trade automatically. This is the best known platform for Forex trading. But not only Forex trading is possible, you can trade via CFDs nearly every stock or currency. Depending of your bank. Forex tools There can be a number of tools which traders use online for forex trading. While there are certain tools which are quite good and effective both for getting the knowledge and graphics for the trading along with the platforms to perform trading options and see the current ratios. There are different benefits of tools and various forums dedicated to testing tools such as pro with the growing competition are present on which expert traders along with other people can voice their opinions for the effectiveness of these tools and how much they are dependable. There are many tools such as the profit calculator, pip USD value calculator etc. Forex education: Books Videos Learning is quite important before you choose to do anything and where risky money and time is involved such as in forex trading then you have to learn a lot and be prepared for the chance when you take it. There are different tutorials for different people such as the basics of forex, learning what are pips and quotes, the knowledge of the currencies a trader wants to trade is also quite important and decisive which can be learnt through tutorials. There are quite efficient books and online tutorial videos available on website which can help you become a pro level trader and get big in the field of forex trading there are also a number of tutorials available on websites which guide the traders to make the best of the tools and software they are using for forex trading. In short, online videos and tutorials are the holy grail of forex trading and if chosen correctly at the right time, they can get you to great heights in the world of forex. Online Video Tutorials Leverage FX and Forex Trading are among the famous YouTube channels to provide people with videos on forex and its basics while Forex Club is a constantly updated channel which are quite few in number these days. The constantly updated channels of big companies or forums are a very helpful insight in dealing with currencies in the daily market, sometimes these channels and their videos are very helpful in notifying future changes in the market. Forex Books Forex has become quite a lot popular in the past years and this has led to more books related to forex being published. There are a vast amount of books which advise people on how to become successful traders in the forex world. Some of these books are worth your time and are good enough so that you can learn from them in an efficient manner but others are not so effective, with so many opinions and people giving their reviews it is quite an impossible task for any trader to read all the famous and recommended books before beginning to invest. There are a few selected books which are mentioned in the subsections below which have been recently deemed as the best in the recent forex trading world. These books work well and have been reviewed positively for people beginning their forex careers. Forex for Beginners by Anna Coulling Forex for Beginners is quite a helpful book by Anna Coulling for forex trading beginners. This book provides a good knowledge about various aspects of the forex market and is the third successful book by the author. This book is often said to provide good basic knowledge to build upon further by traders in forex markets. The Forex Trader s Handbook by Zan Kotnik This book is a pretty impressive feat at introducing forex world and its basics to the readers. There have been a number of favorable reviews by the critics towards the book and this book is considered as quite an easy way to get familiar with the technology and terminologies of the daily trading world. How to Start Your Own Forex Signal Service by Rimantas Petrauskas This book is quite a good guide for beginners to build automated earning systems such that they can get constant profits and outputs through them. This book teaches the readers the secrets behind making thousands of dollars each month even through the simple use of a demo account which is often possessed by almost every trader at the beginning of their career. The Forex Trading Strategy Bible by Michael Fisher This book is quite informative and about the forex trading markets in the upcoming days. This book is often regarded as impressive and important by the traders in the forex world to get guidelines as well as instructions before they set on their journey in the currencies. Top Forex brokers reviews With increase in the forex market volume there are a number of websites on the internet claiming to be the best online brokerage firm. Not only are they not true most of the times, the fake promises and false guidance set as a trap by these websites can lead you to purchase useless reviews and tutorials. Some brokers have lagging and unmaintained user support even with their high fee while other brokers who offered a free account and minimal competitive rates suddenly starts to shoot the moon with profits made off margins on your trades. There are a number of disadvantages to many brokers and sometimes over hyped firms and improperly tested brokers can get you to lose money. In the quick running world of today you certainly don t want to end up at the end of any race and hence you will require a good guidance and insight in the best proven brokers in the recent past and over the years. While each broker has certain advantages there are a good deal of hidden aspects to look out for also. Sometimes extra fee and other times inefficiency in placing orders can cause you to lose money rapidly and it is of no use to constantly keep lingering on to such brokers just to get the money you had once lost. Instead of trying on every broker, there is a list of finely handpicked brokers who have proven their credibility over the recent years and are good enough to begin with in the journey of trading in the forex market. These brokers come with different features and offers for the people and you have to choose wisely what your goals are and which broker you want to choose depending on your goals and strategies. Always aim to invest smaller amounts in the beginning before jumping on to make larger bets as you can get to know any hidden glitches in the platform of the broker or your connection in the beginning stages only without facing much losses in doing so. Easy-Forex Perhaps one of the easiest on the market, the easy-forex online platform offers a large number of unique features that benefit the trader. Fixed spreads, guaranteed stops and negative balance protection mean they have the most transparent pricing of almost any other broker. They re also the only broker to offer these trader-centric features on the MT4 platform. They re a great broker to start with as they offer a wide range of educational tools and videos, and personal relationship managers for support and training. With a minimum deposit of 25, traders can start trading over 300 markets immediately including currencies, commodities, indices and options. Traders can also track the status of their withdrawals online in their account. Operating in over 160 countries worldwide, the company has been around since 2003 and are licensed by CySEC and ASIC giving clients a high-degree of trust and safety. Be sure to check out the promotions they offer. GFT Markets Global Futures Exchange and Trading Company Inc. was founded in the year 1998. This company has three offices in the United States and is registered and approved by various governmental authorities. This is one of the largest independent brokerage firms and it provides traders as well as investors with opportunities and healthy options for the future in Forex world. While every once in a while with the volume of customers they handle there is a complaint of delay or misjudgment but most of the other times this broker provides users with efficient means of trading and is a trusted broker for Forex trading. IFC Markets IFC Markets is a product of the IFCM Group. They offer two platforms namely NetTradeX and Metareader4 and prove with the option of two account types for both the platforms. Minimum deposits vary from account to account and can range between 1 and 300. Like most brokers, IFC does not levy any commissions but make money through spreads. They provide the usual 24 hour customer service and are certified by government organizations. The only negative aspect of IFC Markets is the website design which suffers from problematic navigation and confusing information locations. Alvexo Alvexo is a global forex broker whose trading platform is owned by VPR Safe Financial Group based in Cyprus. Their MetaTrader 4 platform is the most popular with foreign exchange traders because it contains a wide spectrum of tools and services. They also have web and mobile trading platforms. The minimum first deposit is 500 for a classic account. Their spreads are highly competitive and their prime account holders enjoy the cheapest ones. They offer customer service round the clock and comply with all the rules and regulations. FxPro Group FxPro is one of the biggest forex brokers and is trusted by thousands of traders around the work. They charge a minimum deposit of 500 and a maximum leverage of 500:1. It uses platforms like MT4, FxPro, Super trader and MT5cTrader and is compatible with Windows, web, android and iOS. Although they don t offer any bonuses at this time they have the widest range of services available to their clients. TradeStation For the highly advanced forex brokers who care about meeting those monthly targets and are seasoned over the time trading efficiently and effectively with being concerned about their portfolio as well. The fee charged on the platform is quite high if the monthly criteria are not met by the traders which is quite irritating. With a few factors to be improved on this platform overall proved to be good and quite efficient thus gaining popularity quickly among the traders. FXCM This is the largest forex broker based in New York and is a trusted name within the forex industry. It uses a variety of different platforms which span across different operating systems. They have a floating spread and are known for their tightness. An account with FXCM can be started with only 50. A limitation with this broker is that they operate in the US forex market only so you will require another broker for other markets. AvaTrade Filled with auto-trading tools and software package for the clients the Avatrade platform is a unique and helpful way for traders to deal online in the forex market. This company is a subsidiary of Ava Financial Ltd. And comes with a software for the users. The software provided by the broker is based on highly recommended MetaTrader 4 and is genuine and safe. With a minimum deposit of 100 and a leverage ratio of 400:1 simple investors can smile upon big profits in no time but it should always be kept in mind that the greater the leverage the greater is the responsibility which follows. Loaded with safety and assurance to the investors for trading in huge volumes of money Avatrade focuses certainly on the security of the customers which is a good thing. The company also provides support for the beginners so that they understand what they are investing their money in. Instaforex It is named by the users as one of the most favored and efficient brokers available in the market as of present. This platform provides with good spreads and the trades are executed at a far better level than the other average platforms. Their platform is often regarded as user friendly and their instant execution of orders helps in maintaining their professional profile which keeps attracting more traders to their platform. Filled with top notch analysis for the traders and offers and perks to benefit the investors this broker has often been regarded as highly efficient in the forex world. There are a number of prizes and certifications for InstantForex which is just an adding factor to the security of the investors and the large number of users of the platform also form quite an appeal in increasing the credibility of the platform. The forex traders and investors can simply trust on this platform although they always have to keep a lookout for the risks which might be involved at all times. XGLOBAL Markets Favored by a number of brokers in the forex market this platform has grown to grab the limelight in the recent years. This platform is known to provide quick withdrawals for your profit in the trading, the platform is also respected for its lightning speed processing of placement and closing of orders given by the traders the account to all clients given majorly is one and the absence of swaps or commissions makes the experience even tempting for the traders. The spreads offered by this platform are most competitive in nature and commissions or hidden charges are not suddenly imposed or declared upon the traders. There is no bound on the amount for minimum deposit and the platform welcomes all the strategies for trading including the leading Expert Advisors on the market which most of the traders often use and rely on for gathering information and determining their future trades. Oanda While being established in the 1990 s and being named as one of the biggest and influential forex brokers this website has quite nothing more left to prove its name for. This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders. This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors. While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for their bad decisions or losses. In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. Forexworld (forexworld. au) With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario. As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent. The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. Forexpros (investing ) This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders. The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown more reliable and trustable. Forex factory (forexfactory ) People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers. This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders. There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. Investopia (investopedia ) With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day. This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this website is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel. The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. 3 EMA S Trading System - Forex Strategies - Forex Resources - Forex Trading-free forex trading signals and FX Forecast 70 3 EMA S Trading System The price should 1. be below the 144 EMA 2. The price should be below the 13 EMA 3. The price should be below the 3 EMA When the 3 EMA comes from above the 13 EMA to below 4. it, this is a signal to enter a short trade. 5. Open a short trade at the start of the next candle. 6. Place a stop-loss order at the most recent highs 7. Exit the trade when the 3 EMA crosses above the 13 EMA The screenshot above is showing a short trade. (Point A) is where the 3 EMA (Green Line) crosses over the 13 EMA (Pink Line) to the down side thus generating a sell signal to go short because they were both below the 144 EMA (Black Line). The trade would have been exited at point B. The second part of the 3 EMA trading system is when both of the shorter moving averages cross over the 144 EMA at roughly the same time (within a few candles). 13 crossing the 144 This part of the system involves watching for the 13 and 144 or short positions). This might be a very good trading An example of what the chart looks like when this happens is pictured on the screenshot below. As you can see, the 3 (Green) is crossing below the 144 (Black) at about the same time the 13 (Pink) is crossing below the 144 (Black). Esto puede ser muy poderoso. When both the shorter EMAs are below the 144 EMA this is the time to enter a short trade, with stop loss at the most recent If you missed this entry for some reason you can also enter a short position if the price comes back to the 13 EMA (Pink Line). Once the trade is moving in your favour the 144 EMA is your Exit 1 Have a predetermined target either at least the same amount as you are risking or twice or 3 times the risk. Exit 2 Follow the trade by moving your stop-loss order as the price makes pull-back highs, (short trades - opposite for long trades) each time a new pull-back high is made ride the trade Exit 3 Employ a trailing stop. Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 19.9 KB Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy. EMA Forex Strategies 322 Channel 50 EMA two methods - Forex Strategies - Forex .

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